April 17, 2011

Catch up time!

Sorry our computer has been on the verge of crashing for a while now and so a few weeks ago Tyson saved everything and redid our whole computer, so its taken a while to get everything loaded back on so I can blog lol.  A lot has happened since then...Since February Kaylee has had a double ear infection and been on antibiotics 3 times.  I took her bout 2 weeks ago and they gave her an injection this time and she seems to be back to normal now so were crossing our fingers she don't get another one.  She still has no teeth, but we have been told they will come in stronger so I guess thats good lol.  She can say da-e (daddy) and thats about it lol sometimes it sounds like she says hi or bye, but were not sure if thats really it or not.  She is so fun to be with during the day and is learning so much!  I cant believe she is going to be 1 in a month, where has time gone?!?

Kyler sold 18 things of cookies for a school fundraiser and got to go in a limo ride at school.  They took them to mcdonalds and bought them wheatever they wanted to eat.  He had a blast, Im sad I didnt get any pics but o well, he will remember it!  For scouts he gets to help plan what they do each week in wolfs, he gets to pass something off for it.  He is starting baseball now and Ty is going to be an assistant coach with Kylers friends dad, so they will be on the same team.  He is very excited! 

Kayden is so smart, he can now type is name on the computer!  He thinks he is so big.  He plays pbs kids and loves to say prayers.  He helps remind us when we forget, and whenever you ask for someone to say it he will volunteer to say it all by himself!  I cant believe how big he is getting.  He loves preschool and is learning so much.  I have thought about putting him in swimming lessons this summer, we will see!  In another year we will have 2 boys in sports, crazy how fast time goes.

This last weekend was spring break for the kids so went to a hotel with grandma and grandpa lulu, lol.  We swam quite a bit, played games and just had a nice break, it was fun.

1 comment:

The Osborne's said...

I'm so excited for all the kids! That is so cool the Kyler got to ride in a limo. He gets to do all kinds of cool things. I can't believe Kayden can type his name, that's cool too. And Kaylee is so cute too, that video you posted his adorable. We love you guys so much!