April 17, 2011

She Can Walk.....

...on her knees lol.  She loves to walk on her knees around the house if she's not crawling.  We went to the park a couple days ago and she walks around on her knees in the sand.  I have never seen a kid do this before lol.  I took this video, I think its pretty funny. She can take a few steps on her own but she is still a little chicken, once we let go of her back she tries to hurry and sit down.

1 comment:

The Osborne's said...

That is so cute, I have never seen a baby do that before, it was so adorable. I'm so glad you updated your blog because I check all the time. It sounds like everything is going really good at your house. I wish we could see the cute kiddos, but we are hoping we can make it out this summer so maybe we will get to! We love you guys lots!!