March 16, 2007

7-1/2 Weeks

I thought I was farther along then I really was that is why I changed the title of my last blog. Anyways the most embarrasing thing happened to me today. I woke up, ate an apple and was looking for something else to eat. Immediately I had to run to the bathroom, yes I couldnt keep it down. Well after feeling a little better I had to go to work so I dropped Kyler off to preschool. Then as Im driving to work, yes driving, I throw up all over in my car. Oh my gosh talk about embarassing, luckily it didnt get get on my clothes. It was so embarrasing, so anyways my conclusion to this is I think I have morning sickness. Lucikly it is just now instead of way sooner, and hopefully it wont last long, maybe this increases my chances for a girl lol.

1 comment:

CrunchyChick said...

Bummer! I've been there with the morning sickness! I feel your nausea. :)