May 31, 2007


I found out yesterday I'm having a boy! We saw 3 pictures that made it VERY clear. I was really shocked and surprised, not what I was expecting lol. However, I am very excited!! We havent thought of any boy names though so we will have a lot of fun trying to think of one. Kyler went with to our appointment and he is very excited for a brother as well. Also the doctor checked the lungs, brain, heart etc. on the ultra sound and said everything looks good but he couldnt really get a good shot of the face so he said I will be getting another ultra sound next time I go in on the 27th of June. I have one more appointment after that and I start going every 2 weeks, its getting so close!

1 comment:

Staci said...

Congratulations! Yay for boys! It's getting really close.