April 21, 2011

Afternoon Jog

I was running around the track at Kylers school the other day and was pushing Kaylee in the stroller.  I thought she was sleeping and then I hear her jabber so I peek in the stroller and she looked like this......

She had slid under the tray and was sitting in the basket lol it was so funny.  Guess I need to buckle her in

Sitting on the laundry...I can totally see kayden in this pic

Playing cars, she likes to sit in the bucket and play with them lol 


figtwigg said...

Those are cute pics. I can see Kayden in her too, in that basket. I think it's funny how she sits in the box while she is playing with the cars and then there's Kayden who doesn't notice cause he's playing too hard.

figtwigg said...

congrats to you and Kyler for winning cars!!!