December 6, 2010

December Fun!

 Kaylee in her new christmas dress (sandy this is the dress Jenny gave me when I was prego, lol dont tell her she might want it back jk)  I love the the second pic!!  I was thinking the pink blanket was cute for a background but her posistion and smile are cuter in the second one I think.  Anyways I want to try and get family pics with her in this dress and all the boys in their black vests and suits.....hopefully I can get one that turns out.....if I do Ill post!

 Kaylee in her snowsuit for the first time
                                     Kayden all ready to play in the snow

My brother and Kyler standing next to a jazz tree at a Christmas thing in Ogden

                              All my kids sitting on Mr and Mrs. Claus lap

1 comment:

Sharlene and Matt said...

Your kids are soo stinkin CUTE!