YAY Finally!! I went into labor on Friday May 14th around 11pm. I was not sure if my contractions were real or not because they were consistent and then not consistent. Finally around 1am I decided I should go up. My sister came out and stayed the night to watch the boys. I got to the hospital, checked in and around 2am and I was almost dialted to a 6. We walked around for an hour and then I was a 7. Around 5:30am they checked me again and I was at an 8. The nurses were shocked and called the doc and got everything ready to deliver. I was actually surprised I had made it to an 8 and didnt feel like I was that far. This was by far the easiest of my labors. So the doc got there about 6am and they checked me again I was still an 8. My contractions were getting stronger and I guess I was having a hard time relaxing even though I thought I was doing good lol so I quit dialting and was stuck at an 8. At 7am the doc came in and broke my water hoping that would speed things up. At 8:30am I was still at an 8 and they said they needed to give me pitocin to get my contractions going a little stronger so I would dialate. I decided maybe an epidural would help me relax a little better so I got that and then they started the pitocin. Around 9:30am they checked me and I was ready to go so they called the doc because he left for another delivery. Unfortunatly they thought I was numb enough that I wouldnt be able to tell when I had to push. Fortutantly I was numb enough to be relaxed, but was still able to feel that urge. I guess it was only good once the doc got there cuz I had to wait 15 min for him. Once he got there she was out in about 15 min. She was born on May 15th at 10:08 am and weighed 7 pounds 8 ounces, 21 inches long. Daddy got to cut the cord, but unfortunetly when she came out she didnt have enough time to get all the extra fluid pushed out of her lungs so she was having a hard time breathing on her own. They hooked her up on oxygen right away. It was so hard not being able to see my little girl. I got to go down bout 2 hours later and see her in the nursery. She was in there for 6 hours and then they transfered her to the NICU because she was not improving. She was in a closed bed and hooked up to all these iv's and tubes. Luckily I was able to baord there in the hospital still for free since I was nursing her, so i didnt have to drive up every day. Thanks for everyone who helped babysit my boys for those coupld days by the way!!! Tyson was able to give her a blessing sunday night and she made big improvements pretty quick. Tuesday she was off the oxygen and ivs and was able to nurse and we were able to take her home wednesday afternoon. It feels so good to have her home!! I miss being pregnant but I can definatly say Im glad Im still not, lol I have lost 25 pounds just from having her and actually can tie my own shoes. Anyways here are some pics.....
Heart breaking..... hooked up to oxygen
Daddy holdin her in the NICU
Under the billi for jaundice
Mommy holdin her in the NICU... the day she got to come home!
Gettin ready to go home!
Wide awake at home!!
CONGRATS!! She is adoarble. You and Tyson are such great parents. THat pic of her with the oxygen really is heartbreaking. I'm glad she is okay now. We LOVE you guys.
She is so cute you guys. I don't know if I have seen a cuter baby. I just want to eat her up! I can't wait to see her for reals. And the boys too, I miss them so much. Hopefully everything will go as planned and we will get to see you all in about a month. We love you guys lots.
Thanks guys!
Sharlene, yes it was very hard seeing her hooked up to all those tubes bue it made it a little easier knowing that she was the healthiest baby in the NICU.
Mills we cant wait to see you either. Let us know for sure when you know what days you are coming out so we can plan her blessing. I cant wait to see your little guy, they are so fun!
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