Well we started off our camping trips a little late this year but made up for it by going 3 or 4 weekends in a row. This trip was an adventure. It was not very packed at all and we were thinking maybe its cuz kids are still in school....we totally forgot Kyler had school. It still felt like summer. So he missed a day of school to go camping with the family and he was not very happy about it at first lol. We told him it would be the first and last time lol I still cant believe I forgot he had school, I was there when he got out to pick him up before we went camping. Duh! Anyways, we were trying to find our camp site and some guy told us there was a moose. We parked and went to take some pics. Very cool. The next morning we were tubing down the creek and I told ty it would be way crazy if we saw the moose again. Next thing ya know we were all jumpin off our tubes before we ran into the moose. It was scary but very neat!! We had a lot fun. We hiked up to this cave and inside it was full of water up to our knees. Once you got in there yiou could see out the top it was pretty cool. We are hoping to go up to tipanogus cave one of these weekends before its too cold. Ill post pics if we do.
Kayden holding the snake

he loved it

We caught 2 frogs....Kyler took them home to keep but let the snake go

Playin cars

I carved Kylers name in his stick they found

Kyler going for a dunk
This was in the cave we went through... you could see out the top.

The boys

Daddy and Kyler
The boys hiking up further

Stopped for a pic

All of us inside the cave that we hiked up to

Mommy and the boys

Before we went in the cave

Cool spider web we saw

This moose was about 20 ft. when we were tubing down the water! We saw him a couple times while we were camping. Very cool!! He was sleeping in the bushes right next to some peoples tent that we talked to. Glad it was not ours, lol

Ready to go tubing
1 comment:
oh my gosh, this looks like so much fun. Tell Kayden not to hold snakes!!!!
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