The plane ride was very fun he got to watch spongebob the whole way down. Kayden was actually pretty good considering he had to sit on my lap the whole time. Once we got there we stayed in the Tropicana hotel. They had an indoor pool which was very fun and it was close to MGM grand and the M & M factroy so we got to do a lot of fun stuff while we were there.
Our trip home was not as fun as the way to vegas. Kylers TV didnt work for some reason so he was upset he couldnt not watch cartoons. Our plane was suppose to arrive around 5:40 and was delayed an hour. We were now scheduled to arrive in SLC around 9:30 or 10pm. Once we were on the plane and ready to land we found out the aiport was closed because of the storm that had come in that day. The pilot said that for saftey reasons we were flying to Boise, Idaho becasue we were almost out of fuel and had no idea how long until they would open the airport back up. So an hour flight to Boise. By now it was like 11 or 11:30pm and we were waiting for everyone to use the restroom and fuel up the plane. Good news the airport was now open so we got everyone seated and finally arrived in SLC around 1:30. Now we had an hour drive home and then could finally go to sleep. The roads had not been plowed once we hit davis county and we ended up spinning in slow motion right up next to the cement wall. It was the scairest moment of my life and I still dont know how we missed hitting it. However, I am VERY VERY thankful. We finally got home between 2:30-3am. Kyler was a good sport and went to school still, but daddy was the best sport. He was up at 5 to go to work. It was a very fun trip even though the way home was delayed a little, it was worth the trip.

Waiting at the airport (on the way home)

On the plane, on our way to vegas

The pool at our hotel

Kyler and Tyson swimming

The excalibur - Playing arcade games in there

Pictures on the strip - sandy and I gave this guy money to dance and he was tickling our ears

In front of the luxor - inside

lions at MGM grand

rainforest cafe
Looks like so much Fun! i love planes and vegas too!! and bachelor...i hope melissa wins and its not her fault her family didnt want to meet on TV! haha
i know for real huh he should choose her for they hlove they have for each not cuz her parents didnt meet him lol lol ya vegas was fun but i get plane sick lol
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