Well its about time. November 1st I went in at 7:30 in the morning to get started. My labor was horrible, I decided I will never let them start my labor again. After they broke my water I felt like I had to push so I told Tyson to get the nurse and I was only dialated to a 4. I could not handle the urge to push only being dialted to a 4 so that is when I got my epideral. Weirdest thing ever, I didnt have one with my first son so it was very different altogether. I felt my contractions the entire time until I was to a ten and they told me to push. After I got my epideral I went from a 4 to an 8 in a half hour. Anyways here are a few pics!!

Oh so very cute! He looks like a miniature grown up. He is so wide awake and alert in those two pictures. You all must be thrilled. Congratulations!
Congrtatulations!! It is about time! Poor Sheryl. He is adorable!
CONGRATULATIONS HOT STUFF! So exciting. I love, love, love the name. You rock, mommy!
Congratulations! Both your boys are so handsome!
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