November 2, 2010

Kaydens Birthday

I cant believe he is 3!!! Yes I know Im slacking I still dont have halloween pics posted....I didnt bring my camera but grandma sandy took some so Ill have to get them and post later! We had a party at our house with my family on friday and then went to grandpa and grandma lulus on sunday for a party out there. He was sick on halloween and his birthday which sucked but luckily he still had fun!!! I have to get pics from grandma sandy to post of their house but here are a few pics from the party we had at our house.

race track cake I made
Kayden drivin the cars on it

Kyler gave him some treats
Big hug..Thanks!  I love you Kyler

Dan & Michelle gave him a nerf gun and baseball bat

David gave him some army guys and a doodle board

Lisa and Grandma gave him a car track and.....
a football hoodie

1 comment:

The Osborne's said...

I love the cake you did a great job! We missed Kayden tons but hope he had a great day. Love you guys