September 29, 2010

4 months going on 7 months

Yes thats right she is 4 months and the doctor said she is like a 7 month old....well physically lol.  She weighs 17 lbs and is 26.5 inches tall.  She is 96 % for her weight and 97% for her height.  She did so good and didnt cry on her first shot, but did on the other 2. I was looking in Kyler and Kaydens baby books to compare how big they were at her age and she is only a pound less then Kayden was at 4 months.  I think she might have him beat at her 6 month lol.  So sad, lets hope she doesnt take after his short and stalky body when she gets older!  She is so dang cute and squishy!!  She is so close to sitting up alone, very close.  She loves to play with toys and suck on her fingers.  Here are a few pics...
Waiting at the doc..what a chunky monkey!!
I love how long her eyelashes are...she fell asleep sucking on her fingers like this


The Osborne's said...

She is so cute! I especially love the last picture. I can't wait for her and William to meet and then we can compare sizes! His thighs are getting chunky but nothing compared to hers. lol

Sharlene and Matt said...

She is SO adorable! I cant believe how fast kids grow up. My niece Kenzie always suck her two middle fingers like that too. haha. Its so cute.