April 7, 2010


Ok so I have really slacked on taking pictures lately. I have slacked on scrapbooking too but my excuse is because of this blog lol. Anyways, we colored eggs this year and as we put the dye into the cups with water Kayden would say "WOW" thats been his new word lately. Kyler asked Tyson how old he was and Tyson told him to guess. Kyler said some random number and Tyson said "No im 25". Kayden said, "WOW" lol like your so old dad. He is so funny. We have been trying to potty train him before the baby comes, so far so good. Im not sure if its easier to do the day and night training all at once or one at a time but so far he does really good during the day and I still have him wear a diaper or pull up at night. Well enjoy the two pictures I do have lol

With the easter bunny of course!

Kayden and Grandpa Rex at the easter party reading stories


Sharlene and Matt said...

Your boys are SO cute! I'm so glad your family is doing well. I need to come visit you when you have your baby!! When is she due?

Sharlene and Matt said...

Ohhh June 2. I see haha. My mom and I will have to come visit for sure!!

Tyson and Sheryl said...

Im due June 2nd...seems like forever still lol but she is measuring 2 weeks earlier so who knows.

Tyson and Sheryl said...

ya lol Ill let ya know