Kyler recieved his bobcat award on Jan 27th. It was kinda neat having him recieve it two days after he turned 8. They made cars out of boxes and raced them, it was cute. When you recieve your bobcat award they paint your face and tell you what each color means in scouts.
Red is for courage
Blue was for the sky ( I think, cant member)
Green is for the trees & outdoors
Yellow is for the sun (shine like the sun)
Black is for all the pen marks that get signed in your books

Kyler & his friend Garrett after they got their faces painted

Kyler pinning my badge on me

Kyler and Kayden with their cars
The Blue & Gold Banquet was on Feb. 20th. It was way fun!! Kyler got an award and we had dutch oven lasagna and cake. They had a pinata for all the kids, it was a fun night!

Kyler with his award

The pinata

Kylers turn


Kaydens turn