January 16, 2010

Family pics

So we got a couple familly pics so that we could sne done in our invations for when we get sealed. This first pic is the one we are using, but here are a couple other fun ones! Thanks sandy and lulu

January 8, 2010

Kaylee's Wardrobe

Yes I decided to start buying girl clothes. I cant help it. They are SOO CUTE!!! I figured Im half way through now so Im ok so start stocking up, espeically since she will prolly have a new outfit every hour....ok ok so maybe just the first week while we play dress up lol. Im kidding, but I am so excited, I cant wait. Here a few pics of the clothes I bought. Not much but were getting started lol

WAY cute head bands, she is gonna need since she will be bald

Grandma Sandy gave her these for christmas

cute sweater and dress

cute shirt and jacket

These white shoes are so cute, they dont do justice in the pic they need her little feet in them so they dont look so smashed lol