Where to begin... We had booked this a few months out so that we could go before we would need to get passports. Orginally we were booked to go to Ensenada. We thought they were going to cancel it because of the swine flu that was going around. 3 days before we were going to leave we got an email saying the itinerary was changed, everything was the same except instead of going to Ensenada we were now going to Catalina. We were very excited!! So the road trip began wednesday night, the 6th. We left at 7:30pm and stopped in St. George around 11:30 to sleep. We slept till 3:30am and then headed off again. We actually made really good time we had the time change in our favor also so we got there about 10am. We were able to check into the boat and get lunch around 11:45 and then we got our room. Kyler had a blast. He played mini golf, swam, played ping pong, basketball. There was so much to do for him, they had the camp carvnival for kids where he got to go play the playstation, airhockey, bingo explode volcanos and lots more with all the other kids his age. He really liked that. Kayden on the other hand hung out with us the whole so it made it hard for us to do anything unless we paid for him to be babysat. But... Kyler had fun so that was good. He loved that you could get ice creams whenever you wanted and eat all you want. lol Anyways.... we brought my camera, however, the LCD screen didnt work so I could not see what we were taking pics of and then it just quit working. We were going to buy a camer a on the ship but they only had two brands and we didnt know how good of a deal they were so..... I have pics but they are from my phone, lol ya most of them turned out ok but some are kinda hard to see. Anyways hope you enjoy lol

Our ship (carnival elation)

our messy room, lol

Kayden all ready for the life jacket drill

playing ping pong

they folded our towls into cute animals (bear and elephant)

sea lion

mummy (these were the towels out by the pool)

bunny and snake

on catalina island (sorry hard to see)