May 16, 2008

What a smart kid!!

K so kyler took his kindergarten end of the year assessment and is on a second grade level for reading, writting, spelling etc. He didnt' miss any questions. I cant believe how smart he is. K so thats it, just had to brag about hwo smart he is!!

May 15, 2008

Kayden's First Tooth

K so were at Kylers baseball game and Kayden is bitting my finger. All of a sudden I feel something sharp. "I wonder if he's getting teeth yet," I say. I look in there and sure enough I see this little white tooth starting to poke through. I tried getting a picture but its not up out of the gum enough to get a good one so Ill be posting some in a few days or weeks once it comes through a little more. Im so excited, his first tooth, yay!!

May 10, 2008

Home Run!!

Kyler hit a home run at his baseball game and passed all the other runners. He should have really stayed on first because the other runners didnt run but he passed them all and ran home, I thought this was funny. He hit it pretty far though.

May 9, 2008

Cutest Laugh

Kyler likes to entertain Kayden and feels so good when he gets him to laugh. he always says weird, random, sometimes stupid things and Kayden just goes off laughing non stop. I got this one on video lol